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Sweet Rose Ramblings (AKA The Call-Waiting Blog)

A place for my unformed thoughts. Help me sort them out!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Being a Celebrity Tops the Charts

A rarely commenting, but regular reader sent me this article that states that kids rank being a celebrity as the very best thing in the world; following far behind in the number 10 slot is God. Interestingly, 10-year-olds ranked wiping out violence as being the number 1 thing they would change about the world. I'm a little confused, because in the article, God is listed as the most famous person in the world at one point, and then only 10th most famous later in the article. But He certainly ranks in the top ten at the least. I'm a little disturbed that kids think being a celebrity is so great, but I can't say I'm completely surprised, and it's probably kinda normal. It's only later you find out that celebrities are pretty messed up. And even then, I think a lot of people think it would be fun. Anyway, enjoy!


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