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Sweet Rose Ramblings (AKA The Call-Waiting Blog)

A place for my unformed thoughts. Help me sort them out!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Catching Up

A friend suggested earlier that I google my name to see how many hits come up. I did so, and found a new link that I hadn't seen before. It was to the Alumni Association of the Honors Program at the college where I began my undergrad career (while I finished the Honors curriculum, so I suppose I do qualify as an alum, I didn't end up completing my degree there). I had e-mailed the administrator of the program at one point as told her about what I was up to, and she had included my information in one of their newsletters, which is now posted on the web. Reading through the updates of different alumni, I'm struck by both how long ago it was and some of the amazing things that the people I once attended class with are now up to. I had to admit that I was glad to be able to have an inclusion; for a long time, I had hesitated to keep in touch with the group, for fear of being seen as a "drop-out." Maybe I'm not doing my PhD or my medical residency yet, but I know I do have what to be proud about also. (Even if it's not that last sentence.)


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