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Sweet Rose Ramblings (AKA The Call-Waiting Blog)

A place for my unformed thoughts. Help me sort them out!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Early or Late?

It's 4 in the morning, so I'm not sure if it's really early or really late. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to do my homework that I hadn't finished for today, actually (was going to say tomorrow). Scarily, my head is clear enough to do it and ramble on using big words regardless of the hour. Though often I seem to use big words when I'm tired. I think it's because when I'm not tired I specifically attempt not to use big words because I was taught that you should be understandable to everyone, especially in writing. But when I'm tired I don't have the energy to think up the alternate, smaller words when the bigger ones just come to mind and fit so perfectly. Not that this post is any indication of my writing skills and/or enlarged nocturnal vocabulary. I guess it wouldn't actually be a noctural vocabulary anyway, because it isn't necessary for it to be late for me to be tired. I guess more accurately, it would be my insomniac-inspired, sleep deprivation-encouraged enlarged vocabulary. Anyway, this post is getting more random by the minute. The point is, I really like school, and even at this hour, I can get excited about it. I think I'm a nerd.


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